Senior Management


Iain Ross

Executive Chairman

Iain Ross was appointed to the Board as Non-Executive Chairman in July 2021. He assumed Executive responsibility in January 2023 following the departure of Chief Executive Officer.

Iain Ross is a highly experienced board director with a career in the international life sciences and technology sectors that spans 40 years. He held senior commercial roles at Sandoz, Fisons and Hoffman La Roche before moving into the biotechnology sector where he has been Chairman, CEO and Director of several international biotechnology companies including Kazia Therapeutics Limited, Celltech Group plc, Quadrant Healthcare plc and Redx Pharma plc.

Currently he is Non-Executive Chairman at Silence Therapeutics PLC (NASDAQ); and a non-executive director of BiVictriX Therapeutics plc (LSE). Mr Ross is a qualified Chartered Director, Fellow of the Institute of Directors and Honorary Fellow of Royal Holloway, London University.


Randolph Corteling

Chief Scientific Officer

Dr Randolph Corteling was appointed Chief Scientific Officer in September 2022, after re-joining ReNeuron as VP of Research in March 2022.

Randolph  has 24 years’ experience in medical research and drug discovery, spanning academia, biotechnology and the pharmaceutical industry. He gained his PhD in Medical and Surgical Sciences at Nottingham University, followed by three years as a Heart and Stroke Foundation Postdoctoral Fellow at the University of Calgary, Canada.

In 2007 he joined ReNeuron as a senior member of the research team where he established a deep understanding of stem cell biology and in particular the role of extracellular vesicles in cell-to-cell communication. In 2011 he was appointed Head of Cell Biology where he established the first exosome programmes at ReNeuron, which are now a major commercial opportunity for the Company. He was later promoted to Head of Research at ReNeuron.

Randolph has re-joined ReNeuron from Evox Therapeutics, a private company focused on Exosome based therapeutics for rare diseases, where he led their Disease Biology and Exosome Payloads teams.


Prof. Stefano Pluchino

Chair of the Scientific Advisory Board

Professor Stefano Pluchino was appointed Chair of the Scientific Advisory Board in September 2022, after having previously been in the role of Chief Scientific Officer from May 2021.

He is Reader in Regenerative Neuroimmunology and Honorary Consultant at the University of Cambridge since 2010. He obtained his MD and PhD at the University of Siena, Italy, and progressed to two consecutive post doctorate appointments at the San Raffaele Scientific Institute in Milan.

Stefano has published over 120 peer-reviewed papers and is internationally recognised as a leader and pioneer in the field of regenerative neuroimmunology. He was the recipient of the 2003 European Charcot Foundation (ECF) Award, the 2006 Sorono Foundation Multiple Sclerosis Award, the 2007 Rita Levi-Montalcini Award, the 2009 Italian Ministry of Health Young Investigator Award and the 2010 International Royan Award for outstanding research in Stem Cell Biology and Technology.